Alumni Spotlight: Abbey Messing

DC: Where are you going to school/working now? 

AM: Viterbo University for Musical Theatre with Dance and Arts Admin minors.

DC: Is dance still part of your life? If so, how? 

AM: Absolutely! I have many dance classes that are required for my major, and on top of those, I am taking dance repertoire and composition classes for my minor! This last semester I finished up work on a modern dance project performance. This next school year is when I will be responsible for choreographing a full length piece and co-choreographing a group number for Viterbo’s dance minor showcase, Dance Kaleidoscope. Additionally I dance consistently in auditions and just for fun!

DC: What is special about Dance Connection? 

AM: Dance Connection is the perfect place to receive training and feedback on multiple performance aspects in one place. My time at DC made me a more rounded performer - juggling vocal performances, acting, dance, and everything in between! To top it off, the memories at competitions, rehearsals, recitals, or at team parties shaped my life in ways I couldn’t begin to explain. I love how proud everyone is of their studio. It never failed to make me smile.

DC: What is something dance has taught you that you can apply to your life? 

AM: One change in perspective that I go back to daily and use in all aspects of life is the idea that instead of saying, “I can’t,” I should always say that “I can’t YET.” I learned this early on in Rec dance class when I felt I had started dancing too late and was never going to catch up, but that attitude pushed me to new levels. No matter what, it reassured me that hard work can bring anything I wish to fruition.

DC: Any advice for someone younger or someone who is just starting on their dance journey?

AM: Know and be confident in what you bring to the table. You are special as a performer for a different reason than the person standing next to you. The second you recognize why you stand out, play to this strength and capitalize on it. Loose the constant need for perfection because it will hold you back. Fail and learn. Keep smiling and your beautiful face is what will be remembered.

DC: What’s your favorite memory at the studio? Do you have a favorite dance you were part of?

AM: How can I choose one? So many years and stages of life to cover. I remember being stuffed in rooms during tech and making up song parodies. The rush of a successful competition weekend. I remember the accomplished exhaustion of a great rehearsal, and watching some of my favorite people shine from the wings. I remember many amazing feelings and flashes of joy, but to overarch everything, I remember being present with the individuals around me day after day.

Abbey was a dance and musical theatre student at DC for six years in both our Rec classes and our competition groups. Abbey is a junior in the BFA Musical Theatre program at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin. 


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