Alumni Spotlight: Madeline Daunt

DC: Where are you going to school/working now? 

MD: I’m in Universal Studios Entertainment in Orlando, Florida! Catch me in the Mega Movie Parade this summer. I just recently finished up the Disney College Program as a Character Attendant too, and highly recommend the experience!

DC: Is dance still part of your life? If so, how? 

MD: YES! I couldn’t live without dance. I have made it my career and I continue to attend class at some amazing Orlando studios.

DC: What is special about Dance Connection? 

MD: At Dance Connection there is a strong sense of growth. I remember watching the older girls when I was younger and wanting to be just like them, and then experiencing deja vu when I was a senior and younger girls looked up to me! I also love the tradition of getting to do iconic dances you saw when you were younger like “Riverdance” and “Devil Went Down to Georgia”.

DC: What is something dance has taught you that you can apply to your life? 

MD: The iconic Sandra Brewer quote, “don’t get married to it”!

DC: What’s your favorite memory at the studio? Do you have a favorite dance you were part of?

MD: There was a piece I was in to Bette Midler’s version of “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” where we wore sparkly mermaid tails and had to hop around the stage. The choreography was MUCH more challenging with your legs stuck together in a tail, and the silliness made us laugh so much! Being part of big production numbers was always so special too, and made me feel like I was on Broadway! Christmas show kick lines were a favorite too.

DC: Any advice for someone younger or someone who is just starting on their dance journey?

MD: Try to be fully present in the emotion of the piece. If you’re truly feeling it, the audience will too!

Madeline danced at our studio for fifteen years and was part of our 2019 graduating class. While at DC she performed in our senior competitive groups and musical theater. She is a graduate of Oakland University with a BFA in Musical Theatre. She made her professional stage debut in 42nd Street with The Encore Theatre before heading to Disney World for the Disney College Program. See her now at Universal Studios with Universal Studios Entertainment in Orlando, Florida! 


Alumni Spotlight: Abbey Messing
