Alumni Spotlight: Ellyson Nicholson

DC: What do you think is special about Dance Connection? 

EN: I loved the bond we had with our teachers. They were always there for us and made sure they had a connection with us to make us feel comfortable and safe.

DC: What is something dance has taught you that you can apply to your life?

EN: Dance has taught me work ethic and discipline.

DC: What’s your favorite memory at the studio? Do you have a favorite dance you were part of?

EN: My favorite memory at the studio will always be the recitals. I have always had such an amazing time with every recital I have been in. We have so much fun together as a team making sure we are prepared and ready for each and every show. My favorite dance would probably be You’re All Mine that I performed with the Black Diamond competition team. We had so much fun learning the routine and it was just an amazing piece to be creative with and express our creative abilities. 

DC: Any advice for someone just starting on their dance journey? 

EN: Don’t compare yourself! Everyone learns and grows at different paces and it is so important to not compare yourself to others. 

Ellyson will be a sophomore at Madonna University where she is part of their competitive dance team going into her second season. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast and Cinema Arts and was the first freshman chosen to be an intern/editor for the university news program Celebrate Michigan. Ellyson was part of our 2023 studio senior class and was in the top senior competition groups and competition adagio during her sixteen years at Dance Connection.
